Kevin M. Cahill, M.D.
Doctor and Humanitarian

As a distinguished doctor of medicine, Dr. Kevin Cahill has not only treated patients including Pope John Paul II and Ronald Reagan, but has offered his vast expertise to a number of national and international organizations including the United Nations and the New York Police Department, where he is chief medical advisor for counterterrorism. These efforts to aid human suffering come as no surprise considering that Cahill began his medical career in 1961, studying tropical disease in the slums of Calcutta beside Mother Theresa. Cahill’s relief efforts have since spanned the globe and include treating refugees in Sudan, serving concurrently as the special assistant to the governor of health affairs, chairman of health planning commission, and chairman of the Health Research Council of New York State. Cahill has cared for patients in 65 countries in some of the most war-torn places in the world, and was among the first to predict the famine in Somalia and has been caught behind the lines of armed conflict in Beirut and Managua.

Books by

Kevin M. Cahill, M.D.


Catalogues by

Kevin M. Cahill, M.D.